Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


"All labor that Uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence!" Martin Luther King Jr. 

Happy MLK Day! We are thankful for the uplifting spirit embodied by Martin Luther King Jr. In 2009, founder, Keith Rohlack found himself drafting a all staff training. He searched for a quote that he felt would connect with residents and staff in a effort to find a uplifting voice. Finding the above quote he knew this would not only do that but actually become his personal Why statement to his career in senior living and the inspiration of his adviser business Uplift Senior Advisers. At that time he was the Executive Director at The Court at Round  Rock and found this quote inspiring to those who came in contact with it. Fast forward 13 years and enter Carole seen here: 

You see while Keith was serving in Tyler Texas in the spring of 2022, he had a visitor drop in one day, Carol. Carol had not always been a Smith County resident but had worked several years for Alcoa as a contractor living in Rockdale Texas in the 80's. The week prior Keith had just given a brief bio about growing up near that area and Carol was excited to share stories about home.

Carol specialized in leadership training and development. He actually had several large national contracts and helped companies meet their goals while honoring their employees. "Keith do you need a mentor" Carol asked.  

Carol started painting in his 60's! He appreciated the Civil Rights voice of Martin Luther King Jr. which Carol described as being started by Lincoln. What are you thoughts about how he combined the two leaders in this piece?  #upliftseniors 


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