
Every Senior Has Strengths

 How to Find Your Strengths Check out these activities and self-reflection questions to better understand your unique strengths. Strengths can include knowledge, traits, skills, and talents. When we know our strengths, we can more easily see how we are different from others and how others see us. To start finding your strengths, consider asking yourself some of the following questions. * Do you have any degrees or certificates? * Do you speak any languages?​ * ​Have you taken any courses? * What skills do you have? * What are you good at? * What are the best parts of your personality? Strength Finding Quiz Want to know more about your strengths? Here are a few more questions to ask yourself to see which specific strengths you have. The higher your score, the more of this strength you have. Leadership: I take charge. Strongly disagree            Strongly agree 1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10  Competence: I come up with good solutions. Strongly disagree         

What do you want to do with your life?

 How to Answer "What Do I Want to Do With My Life?" Not sure what you want? Here are some important questions you can ask yourself. "What do I want to do with my life?" is a question we all ask ourselves at some point. We wonder: What career do we want? How do we want to spend our time? What really leads to a life worth living? The answer to what we want to do with our lives depends on a number of things. So let's talk about some of the questions you might ask yourself to find your answer. 1. What makes you happy? We all want happiness. We want to experience positive emotions and eudaimonia—or meaning in life. So when it comes to figuring out what we really want in life, we might first ask ourselves what makes us happy.  For example, what do we like to do? When are we the happiest? Who are we with when we are the happiest? What goals bring a smile to our faces? Now, what kind of life would help you do these things and feel this way more often? 2. What are your n
 "If I have already answered this, that is why I don't need to be doing it. The short-term memory has left me in a strange situation."  When I first asked my new friend if he had considered working in the children's ministry at our church I did not know he had short term memory loss. I have known him for several months and had not noticed. He is kind, shakes my hand when I see him, and ask " Keith how are you doing today." Until I asked  him to teach with me in our children's ministry which has several linear steps to get "approved" required, did I learn of this memory loss.  I cried when I got the text. I knew that many people would not understand and many people would just back away. I experienced this when I was 12-13 years old with one of my favorite people. Alvin Rohlack, my grandfather. Alvin you see had a disease called Huntington's. Named after a Dr. Huntington who first described the neurological degenerative disease. You see my gr

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

                    "All labor that Uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence!" Martin Luther King Jr.  Happy MLK Day! We are thankful for the uplifting spirit embodied by Martin Luther King Jr. In 2009, founder, Keith Rohlack found himself drafting a all staff training. He searched for a quote that he felt would connect with residents and staff in a effort to find a uplifting voice. Finding the above quote he knew this would not only do that but actually become his personal Why statement to his career in senior living and the inspiration of his adviser business Uplift Senior Advisers. At that time he was the Executive Director at The Court at Round  Rock and found this quote inspiring to those who came in contact with it. Fast forward 13 years and enter Carole seen here:  You see while Keith was serving in Tyler Texas in the spring of 2022, he had a visitor drop in one day, Carol. Carol had not always been a Smith County


Are there people in your life you look forward to visiting? Someone you have not seen in a while come to mind?  What is it about them that causes this feeling? Are they encouraging to you? Do they listen well? Do they speak truth to you?  When I think of uplifting people in my life, people I look forward to seeing again, I think of Pete Self. He seemed to have a way of uplifting others, loving them well, and welcoming them. When Pete, his wife Katherine, and I first met I can remember how they made me feel, welcomed! You see I was in line of 100s that have been guest of Pete and Katherine Self. They loved hosting and welcoming people into their home. “He was an encourager.  He always lifted my spirits.” Pam G. What about you? Who are you thinking of? Maybe take a Purple Balloon, a Guitar, or just yourself and go see them soon! Maybe today.     Pete and Friends! #upliftingseniors.


Have you ever sat down and asked a senior what it use to be like when they were your age? What was their response? Growing up in a small agrarian community near Beyersville Texas, near Coupland Texas, south of Taylor (no not the Rose Capital, the Cotton Capital), I often heard stories about what it used to be like. "Keith...", my grandfather would say, "I use to walk from here to that corner, it was a dirt road back then." Elton Malish would tell me how he, his two brothers grew up with just enough (maybe a little less) and shoes were optional. As a little boy I had a vision of this little red school house like Little House on the Prairie where all the children of varying ages would gather to learn and play games. I can remember seeing the joy in my grandfathers eyes when he would reminisce about those times. Back then I did not realize it but those and other conversations where Uplifting me. They helped me have perspective, awareness that hard ethical work is impor